Sunday, July 21, 2019

How can I create Survey or Quiz forms by using Microsoft Forms?

Microsoft forms are the one of the great feature in Office 365 to create Survey or Quiz form, these forms can be shared to internal (with in domain) users and external users as well.

find the steps below to create forms:

Login to Microsoft form by using O365 login credentials

Then select the New Form or New Quiz form from the landing page as shown:

Enter the title for the form or name of the quiz:

To add the question, click on "+ Add new" button from the form, then will get the option to select data type of the question as show:

Here the sample question "What is your name" is a Text type.
we can enable required for the questions and also can enable multi text as well if needed.

Same way we can add questions to the form or can add more questions to the Quiz form.

Once the quiz form is ready, then we can change the property of the form from Share option which will be available at top right corner

Now the form is ready and share the URL to the people.
We can see the total responses and Average time to complete the quiz from the response tab.

Friday, July 19, 2019

How can I deploy MS Flow to different tenant?

Actually there is no direct way to deploy the MS Flow from one tenant to another tenant, but we can achieve this by following below simple steps:

  1. Export the MS Flow package 
  2. Change the Connection URLs and GUID of the specified Lists or Libraries
  3. Import the MS Flow package

Export the required Flow in zip format from  my flows section in flow studio

Enter the name of the package and change the Import setup to the following options based on the requirement:

“Create as new” if we are deploy this workflow in first time and the flow will be new to the environment when the package is imported.

“Update” if the flow already exists in the environment and will be updated when this package is imported.

Not required any changes from the Related resources section.

Unzip the exported file and update the below values in definition.json file

  • SharePoint destination tenant URL
  • SharePoint List/Library GUID (Where the Workflow will be attached)

After modification, zip the file and import the package to the flow studio
Give the proper name to the Flow from the Review Package content section

Authenticate the resources from Related resources section.
Now click on Import button

Thats it..once all are done you will get success message says imported successfully.